Jun 8, 2019
It was an amazing experience to watch a brewery and new business being built day-by-day at 9th Street Village. Val and Nate Doss talk about the communal tables they built for Bevel Brewing on-site at the Cave along with learning the Glowforge for table plaques. If you haven’t stopped into Bevel Brewing, make sure you come to see the astonishing community built at The Patio.
How did you find out about DIYcave? Our good friend Scott Elnes had been telling us about the DIYCave for years, and on New Year’s Eve going into 2018 we found out 9th Street Village was looking for a brewery to fill one of their buildings. We started the conversation that next day and immediately started building the vision to join the 9th Street Village with this crew.
Tell us about the project you did at DIYcave? We built our communal tables at the DIYcave. Tim (DIYcave co-owner) welded up the bases for us, and Nate bought a membership to complete the tops. We used basic 2”x10” Doug Fir lumber and with the help of the Stewards we cut the pieces to size, they helped us square off the edges and we glued them all together using their wood clamps. Projects like this are so much easier when you have help from experienced woodworkers and the right tools!
We had support to purchase the furniture within Bevel, so we made wooden plaques on the Glowforge to commemorate the donate and we affixed them on the tabletop.
What was your inspiration for the project? We wanted to create that community atmosphere, so we have always had these large tables in mind. We want people to come into Bevel and make themselves at home, gather with old friends, and maybe meet someone new.
I had originally searched to purchase these tables instead of making them, and they easily run about $3,000 per table. We able to make all the tables within Bevel including, 2 large 10’ communal tables, a 5 person bar high table, and 2 tops for bases we had previously purchase for under $1,000.
How did you prepare for the project? We sketched up some designs with Tim to create the bases based on how many people we wanted to be seated and the size of space we had available. From those sketches, we established the size tops we needed to make and purchased the lumber from Parr.
Aaron helped me create the templates for the plaques on the Glowforge.
What are some of the skills you learned at DIYcave? We understand more than ever how important safety is when you are working around the saws. It was amazing to have the assistance of the skilled Stewards to complete our project.
We also learned that the GlowForge is amazing and we have so many projects lined up to utilize that more!
What were the easy and hard parts of your project? It was daunting to finally take steps to learn the ways of the Glowforge, but with the assistance of Aaron and his tutorial, it is user-friendly.
Favorite project you witnessed (besides yours) while hanging out at DIYcave? We love seeing all the van conversions that happen at the Cave. We own a converted Sprinter van ourselves, so its always interesting to see what others are doing to customize their vehicle.
What advice would you give someone who wants to join DIYcave and start a project? Call or stop on by the Cave and start asking questions regarding your project. There is always someone there that can help assist you in ways to get started and the best method to complete your project. There are so many skilled craftspeople that hang around the Cave and they are so creative and willing to help!
Have a project you’d like to work on? Interested in becoming a member of our makerspace? Learn more and stop by for a tour.