Mar 5, 2015
It’s the moment that you all have been waiting for: we are opening our doors for business!
Starting Wednesday, March 11th, at 4pm, we will be welcoming people into our shop, to make stuff! We will be accepting membership applications starting this Friday at the First Friday event downtown. You won’t have to pay until you show up for Orientation Class, but you can get your foot in the door early and get the info about the future class list at the Franklin Crossing building, 5pm this Friday.
How much is this membership? $50 a month and that is valid until we have a grand opening. At that time prices will go to full price which will depend on your membership. Those prices are: a ten hour punchcard option for $200 (use it up over months, if you wish,) a monthly full access for $170, or a yearly full access for $1,785. Don’t worry, we won’t flip you over to full prices without your consent, and we will give you plenty of warning when that time is approaching. We want to serve the maker community well, and this is the chance for us to “road test” some of the ideas that we have.
The plan is this: Open weekdays from 4pm to 7pm, open Saturday from 10am to 6pm, closed to the public on Sundays. This schedule leaves us some fringe time to continue to craft the shop around the users who will be in it. When we get closer to the grand opening we will begin to test longer operating hours as we train employees and stress test the shop. Once that happens we will schedule a celebration for our Grand Opening and the real fun will begin!
Be sure to watch this space and our newsletter for any further details, and get ready to make something!